DD Daughter, MC Daughter, and #1 Son
Word of the Day
Bevamirage - The two or three inches of dark plastic on the bottom of a nearly empty two-liter cola bottle that fools the owner into thinking that there is at least one whole glass of soda remaining.
The skies are blue. The weather is nice. Wait a bit...that'll change. Such is the weather here at The Lake. The temperature when I got up this morning was 38°F. At first I was afraid that we might have had some frost overnight, especially since my eggplant seemed to be wilting. It was rather strange to watch them wilt, one by one, as the sun hit them. Thankfully, they've recovered. Once again, standing tall. It looks like we're to expect more rain coming in for the weekend. Oh well...I guess that's what keeps the weather prediction people in business.
Our yard people came today to mow the lawn. And the man who is going to stain our deck and my yard swing came to power wash everything. It was a good day to do it. Things may dry out enough to actually stain the deck next week sometime. I hope.
I finished the pink afghan for my first grandchild. I'm working on baby blankets now. I want to send a pair of them off to one of my Marine Mom friends who is going to have twin grandsons due...soon. I also have to work on one for a friend of MC Daughter who gave birth to a baby boy a few months ago. Then...two baby blankets for Miss N. (HTP and my first grandchild). After that? Maybe a couple pair of socks. A lot depends on the weather and how much time I spend inside in the coming weeks.
As for this weekend? DD Daughter and GI Joe are coming sometime tomorrow night. MC Daughter and #1 Son are coming on Sunday. I'll have all my children at The Lake at one time. Time for brats on the grill.
Murphyism of the Day
Hammond's Law of the Kitchen - Number Four
Time spent consuming a meal is in inverse proportion to time spent preparing it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding. -- Erma Bombeck
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