Word of the Day
Bafoon - One who is foolish and distinctly resembles a baboon.
I planted three little white pine trees before I decided that three out of eight isn't bad for one day. It's not easy digging holes here at The Lake. On my end of the lake, a glacier dumped LOTS of rocks and stones. LOTS. The soil black and beautiful..if you can find enough to return to the hole after you remove all the rocks. I ended up digging huge holes so I could have enough soil left to encourage my new trees to take root and grow. On top of running out of energy, a light drizzle started to fall. Maybe I'll go out and dig a couple more holes later this afternoon. We'll see. I still have to decide where I want to put five more trees.
I'm picking raspberry thorns out of my hands right now. My tame raspberry plants were drooping all over, ignoring their trellis. This morning I decided to "encourage" them to use their trellises. Hence...the thorns. Raspberry thorns aren't nearly as vicious as blackberry thorns but they do tend to snap off into your fingers and then make themselves known later in the day.
I also started pulling out some weeds each time I go out to walk the dogs. I used to think that if I pulled ten weeds every time I went outside, I could keep ahead of the weed situation here at The Lake. Hah! That's like saying that if you lift a calf everyday, you'll soon develop strong muscles and by the time that calf becomes a cow, you'll be able to carry it around the barnyard with no effort at all. I don't have any calves in my yard but I have an abundance of weeds.
Murphyism of the Day
Miller's Law of Insurance
Insurance covers everything except what happens.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind.
E. B. White (1899 - 1985)
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