Word of the Day
Aprepilliac - A pill addict that keeps walking into a pharmacy and forgetting why.
On the Road Again - Day 4
We overslept! That's never a good way to start the day. HTP woke me up at 7:10 AM. The dogs never complained, not even once. I guess the time changes from Arizona time to Central time finally caught up with HTP and me. My folks were already packed and joined up in the breakfast room as HTP and I gobbled down a quick breakfast and poured hot coffee down our throats.
It was drizzling as we left Nebraska, it was drizzling, mizzling and down-right pouring rain all through Iowa until we got to Minnesota where it settled down and decided to mizzle and drizzle again. Yuck! My hair looks like I've got a perm. A bad perm. I can hardly drag a brush through it. I guess I'll have to wash it tomorrow. And I can only say that the gal at the grocery store tonight who complimented me on my hair must have just been trying to be kind. There was nothing I could do but smile and thank her as I paid for my groceries. If we hadn't absolutely needed some basic groceries, I wouldn't have allowed myself to be seen in public like that. *shudder*
We're home! I'm unpacked. I'm exhausted. I'm ready for bed. #1 Son called and he's coming home to spend the weekend. I wonder if he'll notice if I toddle off to bed before he gets here?
Murphyism of the Day
Athena's Rules of Driving Courtesy
If you allow someone to get in front of you either
a) the car in front will be the last one over a railroad crossing, and you will be stuck waiting for a long, slow-moving train; or
b) you both will have the same destination, and the other car will get the last parking space.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. -- Will Rogers
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