Word of the Day
Bandile - The thin red strip one pulls to release a Band-Aid.
Welcome to The Lake. It's raining, wet and dreary. There's very little that I can do on a day like this. MC Daughter and D Buddy cleaned this place from guggle to zatch. There are a few ladybug bodies lying around but not enough for me to drag out the vacuum cleaner. It was wonderful to come home to such a clean house. All I have to do today is do the laundry. I wonder if I can talk MC Daughter and D Buddy into doing this for me every spring? They even made sure that the water wasn't its normal spring color of brown. After sitting all winter, our water here at The Lake tends to run brown for a while until the pipes are all clear of mineral buildup.
HTP just went into town to get our mail and put up our mailbox on the road. We take our mailbox in each fall before we leave so the snowplow doesn't kill it. I noted that we really should paint our gate sometime this summer. HTP couldn't figure out why I'd bother but it's gotten so dingy and rusty. I suppose it doesn't really matter all that much as long as it does what it's supposed to do but it used to be green. It's not green anymore. Oh well...if I find the time and it's not raining. I've got to plan and plant the garden first.
Murphyism of the Day
Lovka's Law of Driving
There is no traffic until you need to make a left turn.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way. -- John Tudor
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