Word of the Day
Beautimus - Something that is both beautiful and fabulous. Often used to describe something that worked out perfectly or in one's favor.
Bliss! I'm done with my dental appointment and they didn't find anything wrong so I don't have to go back...until next spring or unless something shakes itself loose. They changed my pre-med and told HTP that I wasn't supposed to climb any steps or drive today. Piffle! OK...I'm not going to drive but I needed to go downstairs to put something in the dryer and then, of course, I had to come back upstairs. I'm not supposed to have any wine or beer or anything like that today either. So, I'll honor that one too. But no-one said that I couldn't sit quietly and address baby shower invitations. I've got most of them ready to put in the mail. I still need some addresses but I think I've got the most of them. And then...when HTP was "resting his eyes", I sneaked outside to dig out two of the dead bushes in the front of the house and plant two of the new replacement bushes. Lots of rocks. So what's new about that? Oh well...I figured that two was enough for one day. I'll plant the other two tomorrow. Maybe #1 Son will help me with the rest of the plantings when he comes up for the weekend.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Kitchen Confusion - Number Three
In a family recipe you just discovered in an old book, the most vital measurement will be illegible.
You will discover that you can't read it only after you have mixed all the other ingredients.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. -- Will Rogers
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