My Dad, MC Daughter, and DD Daughter, sailing at The Lake
Word of the Day
Besmirchify - Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.
Midges and Mayflies. 'Tis the season. Walking outside this morning, I had to cover my coffee to protect the midges and Mayflies from drowning. To be honest, I really didn't care about the midges and Mayflies at all, I just didn't want to have to drink my coffee with a liberal seasoning of the little buggers. There's really no point in sweeping the deck or the front steps off right now because tomorrow there will be just as many dead midges and Mayflies dusting them. I promise I'll sweep the dead bodies away before company comes.
I think I might be having company this weekend. Maybe. I haven't heard from anyone yet as to their exact plans. This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. Saturday is #1 Son's 21st Birthday and I think he may come to visit. MC Daughter and D Buddy were here last weekend but I think they may visit again this weekend if D Buddy doesn't have to work or if MC Daughter doesn't have to work. Oh well...at least I know where HTP and I are going to be this weekend. I'm just hoping I know who all is coming before Friday. I'll need to go shopping for groceries. And I need to go put clean sheets on the beds downstairs.
Murphyism of the Day
Hammond's Law of the Kitchen - Number Two
The rotten egg will be the one you break into the cake batter.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I have a theory about the human mind. A brain is a lot like a computer. It will only take so many facts, and then it will go on overload and blow up. -- Erma Bombeck
I remember that day. In fact I was thinking about it not too long ago. I was wondering whatever happened to grandpa's sail boat.
Oh, and we're definitely coming! fraNk says that he and John should drink themselves into a stupor on Saturday. I told him not to forget Bro (your #1 Son).
I posted it because your Grandpa was talking about getting his sailboat all rigged up this summer when I was over there a couple of days ago.
fraNk will have to wait for that drinking stupor with D Buddy until the baby shower weekend. D Buddy has to work this weekend. #1 Son and MC Daughter will be coming on Friday but leaving on Saturday. I think #1 Son has birthday plans for Saturday night in the Big City.
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