Word of the Day
Beautabulous - A word used to describe something that is both fabulous and beautiful.
I've shopped until I'm ready to drop. Walmart. Hallmark. ShopKo. KMart. Marketplace. Rainbow. All in search of the perfect baby shower things. They have the cutest baby clothes and accessories at ShopKo. I resisted. I was on the hunt for baby shower invitations and a baby book. Success. I found them. This was also a scouting mission. The baby shower will be in a month...I have a month. There's no point in getting food items right now but I now have and idea where to go when I do have to buy things. I saw the cutest baby shower cake. Awwww!!!!! And I can get puff pastry shells at Marketplace. I'm thinking some kind of chicken and gravy thing. Something easy. Veggies? I'm tempted to do asparagus but not everyone likes it so....maybe just a nice tossed salad? I've got time to let a menu gel into something more substantial. In the meantime, I've got to get the invites in the mail. I'll have to work on that tonight and tomorrow.
While I was out I also got some more plants. *Moan* Why am I doing this? I still haven't planted the little white pine trees. Only...HTP asked me if I'd found any plants to replace the three little prickly bushes in the front that are on their last stems. I've never liked those little prickly bushes. If I wanted to be stuck with spines, I'd go out picking blackberries. And I will...but I refuse to deal with totally non-productive prickly plants. They don't even have flowers. Useless. I got something to take their place. I also got a nice bush to replace the rhododendron that died last year. Some plants just don't thrive here at The Lake. They do just fine in a place like Oregon and Washington where the winters aren't so severe and my soil just isn't acidic enough for that sort of plant. Actually, I did try to keep it healthy but the leaves just curled up and the whole thing just croaked. I refuse to deal with a plant that doesn't even meet me half way.
It's supposed to get cold again tonight. I covered my garden plants and dragged my Earthboxes back into the garage along with my geraniums.
Tomorrow is Dentist Day.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Kitchen Confusion - Number Two
The simpler the instructions (e.g., "Press here"), the more difficult it will be to open the package.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income. -- Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), The Republic
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