If the speed of our internest was as advertised.... It isn't so, no pictures, word of the days, or Murphyisms can be used while here in Laughlin. However, it does look like I can blog. It just takes a while. Our signal strength varies between very low to good and back again.
Good morning from Laughlin, Nevada. As you can see, HTP did indeed insist upon bringing our laptop with us....and....we bit the bullet and paid for a week of internet service which claims to be high speed. Such claims are highly exaggerated but what can one do. At least, we're connected.
HTP and I arrived at the airport in Chippewa Falls at around 5:30 AM. Check-in was a breeze. There was plenty of time to pick up a quick breakfast at the one and only diner at Chippewa Falls small rural airport. The food there is wonderful. I think people actually drive to the airport...just to eat. You can't beat their service or their breakfasts. I can't judge their lunch or dinner food but their breakfast started us on the right track for the rest of the day.
Airline security is what it is. Neither HTP or I had to be subjected to further wanding, but I sure felt sorry for the elderly man who had to stand as airport security wanded his knees, his hips, his shoulders and his head....over and over again. It's times like this that make me shake my head in horror at this airport security nonsense. I'm surprised they didn't drag him off so he could strip and show them all his scars. There were 144 people on our flight. HTP and I weren't the youngest but it was pretty darn close. None of these people raised one complaint as they removed their shoes, knowing that the pain and effort of putting those shoes back on wouldn't be the funnest part of our trip.
We arrived at Bullhead City's airport at around 9 AM (Laughlin time). Since the plane wasn't packed, HTP and I got to spread out a bit...leaving one seat empty between us. After piling off the plane, we were greeted and piled into the bus to take us across the river to Laughlin....Nevada. I was surprised and pleased to see that HTP and I were given a corner room...a suite. Nice. We've got a fridge in our room and plenty of room to kick back and relax. We even have an outdoor deck! Which...with temperatures reaching 106°F yesterday, we won't be using.
HTP and I earned the 50 points on our casino cards that allowed us to eat at The Prime Restaurant last night. Prime Rib. Yummy! We were also happy to find that we had comp points from our previous stay so that we were able to enjoy a really nice lunch at The Riverside Restaurant. Really good food! I'm thinking that HTP and I will have to stop and eat there tonight. We have coupons for lunch. Buy one of their hot dogs and get a free beer to wash it down. Sounds good to me. However, I already have four six-packs of beer in the fridge...in our room.
Six-packs? They're having a special right now here at the casino. Any time you get a natural four of a kind on one of their video poker machines, you get a voucher for a free six-pack. HTP has a few of them that he hasn't redeemed. I stopped asking for vouchers after my fourth four of a kind. How many six-packs of beer can one person drink during a four day stay? I'm hoping to bring at least one six-pack home with me (in my suitcase). It's a special beer that one can only get here at the casino. I figured that Sis and her husband might want to give it a try.
HTP and I haven't been doing all that much gambling. I've got some good books here to read. Our room has a really nice garden tub. And...I've been enjoying listening to the speeches given at the RNC. Thank goodness for C-Span because there was no way that I could actually listen to all of these speeches in real time. One does have to eat and sleep. And Wednesday was a long day and that bed looked really good last night.