GI Joe, Ms. En, and DD Daughter - Summer 2008
Word of the Day
Latersohinip - A mixed-up relationship.
GI Joe!
It's GI Joe's birthday today! I hope he has a wonderful day! Though others may memorialize September 11th, as do I, for all those who died due to an unforgivable fanatical and twisted terrorist attack, there are many wonderful things that happened on that day. Heroes were born on that day, finding the strength within to defend, protect and rescue. Babies were born on September 11th and GI Joe celebrates his birthday on September 11th. Happy Birthday GI Joe.
I'm going to have to start reviewing my packing list for our return trip to Arizona. A month from now, I'll be all unpacked, have the fountain running back at our Arizona home, and Gypsy and I will be getting back into our obedience training mode. Out here at The Lake, she's been allowed the freedom of walking and running off leash. No such freedoms are allowed back in Arizona.
I canned seven quarts of tomatoes yesterday. I've got at least that many quarts of tomatoes to can today. One of the nice side benefits of canning tomatoes is tomato water. That's the tomato juice (water) that comes from all the seeds that I removed from the tomatoes before I chopped up the tomatoes for canning. Waste not, want not. I love Bloody Marys made with tomato water...raw tomato juice. Of course, I'm counting every single calorie so I cut back on the vodka but I was still under 1000 calories for the day even though I drank two Bloody Mary's last night. Yummmm!!!!!!
Murphyism of the Day
Ziggy's Law
Do a little more each day than everyone expects and soon everyone will expect more.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming... suddenly you find - at the age of 50, say - that a whole new life has opened before you.
- Agatha Christie (1890 - 1976)
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