Ms. En Got to Check Out Grandma's Wheelchair this Summer While She Was in The Big City - 2008
Word of the Day
Liquordized - To be drunk on alcohol.
Somehow, with everything else that was going on, blogging slipped my mind. HTP and I met up with Dad and my sister and her husband at the Open Book Meeting (held at the Town Hall)where everyone got to argue with the property assessor. I'm glad we got there early because there were LOTS of people on that sign up list who wanted to argue with the assessor...besides us. The meeting was only supposed to last from 9 AM to 11 AM but from the looks of things, I'm thinking that things didn't wrap up until closer to dinner time. Anyway, HTP and I were able to get something fixed on my brother's assessment. I think they're going to alter a designation on part of our assessment which should lower things a bit but...all this may be for naught. I'm told that the local school in our town has a school referendum pending which means that no matter what the mill rate is....we'll still be paying more property taxes this year. *groan*
So....HTP and I decided to go fishing. Unfortunately, the wind was pretty brisk. I wish I'd worn a winter jacket. Brrrrr!!!!!! Despite the cold and the wind, we did catch some fish which I cleaned up and froze to take back to Arizona with us. Hopefully, we can go out fishing again next week before we have to pull the dock and the boat.
Today? HTP and I (and Gypsy) are driving into The Big City to have lunch with HTP's folks and his sister and brother and their families. #1 Son plans to be there too. This will be the last time that we'll be able to connect with everyone before our return to Arizona. However, I'm hoping that #1 Son will still be able to make it up to The Lake before we leave. We're taking Gypsy to The Big City with us today? It's been so nice that I don't see any reason not to take Gypsy with us. Of course, she'll have to stay in the car while we're having lunch but with the cooler/cold temperatures, she'll be just fine in the car with the windows cracked open.
Murphyism of the Day
The Einstein Extension of Parkinson's Law
A work project expands to fill the space available.
No matter how large the workspace, if two projects must be done at the same time they will require the use of the same part of the workspace.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live.
- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
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