Time to Store the Dock and Boat Away for Winter
Word of the Day
Loanation - Monies loaned, typically to a close relative, without the expectation of renumeration.
Exhaustion! My legs got the squirmies last night. I've heard this squirmy leg feeling called Restless Leg Syndrome. I get it once and a while. It's not a condition that allows one to get much sleep. Me? I did all my usual things that I do in order to get to sleep but despite all my efforts, I ended up listening to talk radio all night. Actually, Coast to Coast was pretty interesting last night. I was mentally doing an inventory of all my emergency supplies that I was told that we'd be needing and starting a mental list of all the things that I don't already have for the coming six months of doom which the guest was predicting from his computer program that he uses to scan all the Internet chatter from around the world. Total collapse of the dollar. No electricity. No gas. Floods. Food shortages. Earthquakes. Volcanoes. Terrorist attacks. Good thing I've got a backup generator. However, when he started predicting, during the third hour of the show, an alien invasion and people disappearing out of thin air, I decided to switch the channel to Fox News. Ch. 121 on XM....and then I switched to Quinn and Rose at around 5 AM. But by 7 AM, I finally concluded that I wasn't going to get any sleep, besides, I could hear Gypsy starting to stir. Actually, I concluded that I wasn't going to get any sleep at around 3 AM but I figured getting up at 3 AM might disturb HTP a bit. Anyway, I'm up. My morning perambulations with Gypsy didn't stop the squirmy feeling in my legs but you don't notice that squirmy feeling as much during the day when you're running around. It's still there but if I keep busy I won't notice it much. However, after an entire night with absolutely no sleep, I'm exhausted. Unfortunately, I know from experience that should I decide to lie down and try to take a short nap, I'd end up just like last night, lying in bed with squirmy legs keeping me awake. I think my squirmy legs may be caused by allergies but the Benedryl I took last night only took away some of the pressure in my sinuses and some of the pain which comes along with the squirmy legs. The squirmy feeling remained.....remains. Hopefully, the feeling will go away by tonight so I can get some sleep. I've got a lot of things that need doing this week. Thankfully, #1 Son will be coming later in the week to help with pulling the dock and boat.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Applied Confusion
The one piece that the plant forgot to ship is the one that supports 75 percent of the balance of the shipment.
Not only did the plant forget to ship it, 50 percent of the time, they haven't even made it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
- Wayne Dyer
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