Fall Colors Should Be Here Soon - September 2006
Word of the Day
Laminites - Those strange people who show up in the photo sections of brand-new wallets.
I took my first cup of coffee this morning out on Gypsy and my perimeter walk. Normally, on can expect to hear the mournful call of a loon wafting over the lake. This morning? We had the call of the wild....turkey. Gobble, gobble, gobble. Sure startled Gypsy a bit. We never actually saw the turkey but he was making lots of noise. It was like having our own personal rooster crowing at the crack of dawn...only this was a turkey. And then...I hear similar gobbles answering our turkey from across the lake. I'd say that Wisconsin's plan to repopulate the wild turkeys in the area is a definite success. I've been stumbling across herds of the crazy things all summer. They really do look weird. OK. I just looked it up. Turkeys don't run in herds or gaggles or flocks. They run in "rafters"? But if I'd told you that to begin with you'd have thought I had bats in my belfry so....now you know.
I just ran outside to water the plants on my deck before it starts to rain. I know that sounds insane but my Earthbox gardens need special attention when it comes to water. Rainfall ain't going to do much for them. Besides, there's no telling how much actual rain we'll get and since HTP and I are going to gone for a few days, I really needed to get out there and I didn't want to get wet. However, it hasn't started raining yet. Hopefully, I won't get back to find dead and gasping plants.
Gypsy is going to go over and visit my folks for a few days. I'm thankful that my folks don't seem to mind her visits. HTP and I are heading to Laughlin on Wednesday morning. Actually, we're leaving so early on Wednesday morning, that we're going to have to drop Gypsy off at my folks' place this afternoon. Our flight leaves at 7 AM. We have to be there two hours before the flight...5 AM. It takes an hour and a half to get to the airport from The Lake. We'll be leaving at around 3:30 AM. I don't think my folks want us to show up on their doorstep with Gypsy at that hour of the morning. We'll be coming back from Laughlin on Saturday. Our flight returns to Wisconsin at around 11 PM on Saturday night. So...I guess we won't be back to The Lake until Sunday morning (EARLY!). I'll have to make sure that my folks have enough food for Gypsy. Due to flight scheduling, it looks like Gypsy will be visiting my folks until Sunday. However, I'll go pick her up at a more reasonable time than 1 AM.
Actually, HTP and I had decided NOT to go to Laughlin this summer. But....best laid plans....., HTP decided (when the casino called him)that a free trip to Laughlin might be fun. Operative word here is "free". We don't plan to gamble but we do have to pick up the cost of the gas (driving to and from the airport), and food while we're there. I'm packing some good books to read...and my sudoku puzzle books. This is just a trip to remind HTP and me why we wait until October to get back to Arizona for the winter. Even October is still pretty hot....and October is going to be here a lot faster than I'd like. I'm told that I should expect fall temperatures when HTP and I return to The Lake. Highs in the 60's. Brrrrr!!!!!!
Please note, we will not be bringing our laptop (I don't think) with us to Laughlin. Unless things have changed, there is no reasonable internet connection at the hotel where we'll be staying. They charge you for local calls and there's a time limit on those. Wireless? They claimed that they had wireless internet for a fee but HTP and I couldn't access it from the first room they set us up in and it didn't work in the second room either. So...no internet...no computer. No computer...no blog. I'll catch you up on all our fun and frolics when I get back on Sunday.
Murphyism of the Day
Herrnstein's Law
The attention paid to an instructor is a constant regardless of the size of the class; thus, as the class swells, the amount of attention paid per student drops in direct ratio.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Blame someone else and get on with your life.
- Alan Woods
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