Our Log Pile
Word of the Day
Lapdog - 1. A submissive individual who is socially dependent on the leader of the group. The lapdog will always do what the group leader asks without question.
I give up! When the temperature inside reached 62°F and I was thinking it might be nice to continue to wear my winter jacket inside after I'd taken Gypsy outside this morning, I figured it was time to turn on the furnace. Yes, it was cold enough outside to wear my winter jacket this morning but, I should disclose that I don't have any jackets other than my winter jacket. However, if I had a choice as to which jacket to wear, I would have grabbed my winter jacket. Even that jacket didn't provide much comfort on my morning walk with Gypsy. For a while, I considered putting on one of my warmest sweatshirts when I got back inside but it looks like tomorrow will be even colder so today will be our first furnace day. I'm dreading having to go back outside to water the plants on the deck. Hopefully, it will warm up some outside before I take care of that chore. They're predicting frost (maybe) for tonight so I might have to cover my plants on the deck...or maybe I'll just gamble that we don't get frost, like last time. I won that bet. I should pick the beans out in the garden too. Lots to do and if the sun was shining I'd be able to suck a little energy from it to do the things that need doing. Too bad the sun isn't shining. A fire in the fireplace would feel good about now.
It's time for the hummingbirds to start thinking about heading off to warmer climates. I noted that a couple of my hummingbird feeders are empty again. I'm going to bring them inside and wash them up for storage until next spring. There's still two feeders with plenty of nectar for the stragglers out there. I also have my petunias blooming profusely and they seem to like to sip from them as well. But, it's time to nudge them along to a warmer location. Maybe they'll get back to Arizona before HTP and me.
The first day of Fall isn't until September 22nd. I think the global warming theorists need to re-work their facts and figures. Sun spots have disappeared. Now...I'm told....we're heading toward an new ice age. Maybe HTP and I'd better stock up on more firewood. Maybe HTP and I should think about renting a splitter for a couple of days.
Murphyism of the Day
Plutarch's Rule
It is impossible for anyone to learn that which he thinks he already knows.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Sometimes I think we're alone. Sometimes I think we're not. In either case, the thought is staggering.
- R. Buckminster Fuller
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