Fall 2006 - Looks Exactly Like Fall 2008
Word of the Day
Lostivity - State of being lost.
We had quite the thunder-boomer last night. Although this storm was predicted by the weather-beings, I didn't see any indication of it on the radar or when I took Gypsy outside for our nightly walk....which was delayed due to the first Debate.
The Debate. Must see viewing. Unfortunately, I didn't see anything earth-shatteringly different than what I've been seeing and hearing from either candidate on their various stump speeches. Talking points. Lots of talking points. I figure that by the end of the debate last night, an Obama fan will continue to be an Obama fan and a McCain fan will continue to be a McCain fan. It was obvious that Obama's handlers stressed that Obama should bring up the name Bush as much as he could in connection to McCain. I lost track of how times he dragged Bush's name into his answers. On the other hand, it was also obvious that someone coached McCain about being likable and the importance of smiling. Geez! Tone down that smile McCain. The one thing that bothered me the most about Bush was his goofy smile. Nope. Nothing about this debate changed my mind.
Anyway, as I was starting to say when my mind was diverted to another subject and a second paragraph, we got some rain last night. I checked the gauge. My first thought, as I made coffee this morning, was that I wouldn't have to go out and bilge the boat. The boat is in the garage. My second thought?...aside from questioning why it takes so long to brew a pot of coffee?....was that I probably won't be able to work on the Earthbox gardens today. It's too wet outside. But...I really should work on the Earthbox gardens. I think it'll dry off later this afternoon. I can't delay everything until next week. There's just too many things that need doing before HTP and I head back to Arizona. My ticker at the top of the blog makes one think that we've got all the time in the world but if one examines it closely, that ticker counts down the time that HTP and I have left before we're actually driving into our driveway in Arizona...not before we have to drive out of our driveway and lock the gate, here at The Lake. We're leaving in 6 days! SIX!!!!! My To Do List is growing instead of shrinking! I need to get the Earthboxes ready for storage. I need to cook, can, or freeze whatever I glean from the Earthboxes and out in the kennel garden. I need to go out and buy a new hair-dryer since I blew up my old one when Sis and I were sealing the wine bottles and I need to wash my hair but can't until I get a new hair-dryer. Gypsy needs a bath. I refuse to spend four days in the tight confounds of a car with a stinky dog. I really should get those suitcases out of the closet and start packing the stuff that I won't need until HTP and I get home. SIX DAYS?!!!!!
Murphyism of the Day
Wyszkowski's Theorem
Regardless of the units used by either the supplier or the customer, the manufacturer shall use their own arbitrary units convertible to those of either the supplier or the customer only by means of weird and unnatural conversion factors.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read.
- Frank Zappa (1940 - 1993)
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