A Dreary Morning Look at The Lake
Word of the Day
Lovedom - The realm of love, the totality of loving emotions and attitudes.
It's starting to get rather difficult to get up in the mornings. I've normally been getting up at around 6 AM. There's really no need to get up that early but it's become a habit. However, even though I wake up that early, it's not easy getting out of bed when it's still dark outside. So, I've been listening to talk radio until the sun comes up. However, this morning, I had to call the plumber and if you don't call him at 7 AM, you might as well forget calling him at all. He doesn't answer the phone. I got up at 6 AM, pushed a reluctant dog out into the rain (yes, it's raining again), and then had to actually walk outside in the rain because Gypsy didn't think it was fair that she had to go outside if I wasn't going to come out and get wet with her....in the dark, with the floodlights on. Oh well....I called the plumber at 7 AM and arranged to have our water shut off for the winter and all the pipes drained so we won't have any problems with burst pipes this winter. We do keep the furnace running (minimally) but there's always the chance that for some odd reason or other the propane tank runs dry or the furnace stops running or any number of things that would guarantee frozen and burst pipes and broken bathroom fixtures, and the list goes on and on, if we didn't make sure that anything that requires plumbing in the house is "winterized". Thus, since HTP and I don't have the necessary expertise or tools, a plumber has to come out and take care of this task for us. He told me that he (or his son who normally works with him when said son is not recovering from a major head injury) would come out some time before the snow gets too deep to drive down our 1/2 mile long dirt driveway. Probably before the end of November? I just wanted to make sure that there would still be water if #1 Son or MC Daughter and D Buddy should stop by before the end of November or if Sis' husband needs to use the place during hunting season. I also arranged to have them un-winterize everything in the Spring.
I'm making a dent in my To Do List. It's too bad that most of the stuff on that list has to wait until the very morning that we leave. However, if it's on the list, it'll get done. Oh....Sis? I just had a thought. How does Frankenberry Wine sound? Can you imagine the label? LOL.
Murphyism of the Day
Bowersox's Law of the Workshop
If you have only one nail, it will bend.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.
- Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592)
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