Gypsy - A Watchful Guardian of Her Domain
Word of the Day
Lovedicing - Gambling on the assumption that one can lead another person on for an extended period of time without developing deepening feelings for said person.
HTP surprised me. He spent a great deal of time yesterday morning and afternoon out in the garage. I thought he was fixing the tail-light on the boat-trailer but he was cleaning and clearing out a place to put my Earthboxes. He didn't think my idea of leaving them out on the deck was a good idea. Actually, I'd already come to this conclusion. Sis and I had discussed the issue (while HTP was out in the garage cleaning and clearing) and had decided that it would be fine to wheel them into my kitchen. This is what we do with our gas grill just before we leave in the fall. However, since HTP was willing, he took all six Earthboxes that I'd already prepped for winter storage, out to the garage and stored them for me. Yeah, HTP!!!!! Earthboxes are darn heavy when they are filled with dirt and moisture. After I removed all the vegetation and gleaned the produce, I'd dumped out whatever water still remained in the reservoirs but the dirt still retains water. HTP had to use the dolly to transfer the Earthboxes one by one into the garage. Job well done and another item is checked off my To Do List. Now, all I have to do is figure out what to do with all this produce. And...I have to wash off the patio. Now that I have all the plants and planters off the deck, there is a goodly amount of debris remaining. We took in most of the hoses yesterday but I still have the one for out on the deck. I'll remove that one after I clean off the deck and planter areas. Today? We'll have to see if things clear off some. It's kind of dreary out right now. I suppose I should take the windchimes down too. *sigh* Nothing highlights that we'll be having to leave here for the winter more than taking the windchimes down each fall.
Hopefully, we'll get some sun breaks this week so I can finish up my outdoor work and take some last hikes with Gypsy. It won't be long and she'll need to get used to walking on leash again. I'll start (re-start and review) dog-training again after we get back to Arizona.
Murphyism of the Day
Byrn's Law of Concreting
When you pour, it rains.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Acceptance is such an important commodity, some have called it "the first law of personal growth."
- Peter McWilliams
1 comment:
It must be Surprise your Wife season. Rob literally scrubbed (on his hands and knees with a scrubby brush) his bathroom today.
And I didn't ask him to do it.
And then took me and the kiddo out to dinner.
Holy cow!
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