A View From the Dock - 2008
Word of the Day
Later tots - Tater tots that were left in a refrigerator for over a week and have started to turn weird colors.
I bought a bushel of tomatoes last night. One of our local farmers called me and told me yesterday afternoon that she would have a bushel for me by Friday but she called again just as I was frying up my puff balls for supper and told me that she had a bushel of them ready for pick up. She'd prepped them for someone else but that someone else had called to tell her that he didn't want them anymore because he was too busy to can right now. His loss. Actually, they are still pretty green. I spread them out on my counter-top and kitchen table and plan to wait a day or so before canning. I've never bought from this gal before. It looks like she picks when the tomatoes are just blushing a bit and lets them ripen in her barn...which isn't a bad thing because I don't have to rush to can a whole basket of tomatoes before they rot. Actually, I probably could can 1/2 of them today (the ripest) and can the rest tomorrow. I can already see that they're lots riper than when I set them out on the table last night.
Yes, I did fry up my puff balls for supper. I ate half of them with my chicken thigh and salad last night. I reserved the rest of them for tonight's supper. HTP opted not to have any...of course. His loss. They were delicious and aside from the single tablespoon of butter that I fried them up in...calorie free. The Diet Gestapo has returned. I've been keeping a log of every single calorie that passes my lips...and HTP's lips. We're attempting to keep our carbohydrate intake down to 5 servings per day and our calorie intake to ~ 1000 calories per day. I've got my Pampered Chef scale sitting on my countertop and my 1/4 cup and 1 Tablespoon measures are ready and at hand...along with custard cups where I can measure out single servings of jam and salsa.
Murphyism of the Day
Hardin's Law
You can never do just one thing.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense.
- Arnold Bennett
I was told not to do less than 1000 calories unless under a Doctors care.
Body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume own protein/muscle.
Be very careful!!!
Not to worry...we're staying at 1000+ calories per day. Today was 1071 calories.
I try to keep my intake at around 1200 a day. But I also play lots of Dance Dance Revolution to keep my metabolism up. *L*
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