Sealing the Bottles (Sis)
Designing and Printing Labels (HTP)
More Sealing of Bottles (Me)
More Sealing of Bottles and Labeling (Sis and Sis' Hubby)
Bottling Our Vintage 2008 Wine (Me...Bottling Dandelion Wine)
Word of the Day
Losery - 1. Having the characteristics of a loser. 2. Decidedly not a winner. 3. Deserving of merciless ridicule.
Sis and I started another batch of wine at her place. We decided to combine all the varied berries that we had in our combined freezers. In the end, we had a combination of blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and gooseberries. Sis' husband told us we should name the new brew, Mulligan Berry Wine. Since most of the berries that are in this brew are wild berries from the surrounds here at The Lake, I think we'll end up calling this new wine, Wild Mulligan Berry Wine. Sounds exotic. There will be at least 5 gallons of wine by this time next spring. We decided that Sis will wait until I get back here to bottle this fine new wine.
I'm doing last of the season things. Sis gave me some of her Kefir grains to take back to Arizona with me. Kefir is a sour dough type thing that you add to milk to make a healthy buttermilk tasting beverage. I love buttermilk and so does HTP. It's supposed to be lots healthier than any of the live culture yogurts that you can buy in the store...and the grains keep multiplying so you can keep making more and more buttermilk-type beverage as you go. It can be used in cooking and in salad dressings. You're not allowed to sell the grains. You're supposed to gift them to people. Since I've been told that Kefir is supposed to nullify the effects of lactose intolerance for people who have milk allergies, I'm thinking I may gift some of my first growing grains to one of my friends who has a milk allergy.
Sis also gave me some venison to take back to Arizona with us. Since I cleaned out my freezer when #1 Son was here, I found space to put it until our actual departure. I should be able to keep things frozen in our new ice chest as we travel least it worked out OK last year.
I'm going to hold off putting my Earthboxes to bed until next week. My Dad gave me some plastic sheeting that I can cover them with out on the deck to keep them dry during the winter. I don't want to have to carry them into the garage for storage. I'm hoping that they'll be fine stored out on the long as I cover them.
We're leaving in a week! It's a good thing I've got my lists or I'd be going nuts about now. I'm holding off on the suitcases until Monday....and I haven't taped up any of the boxes yet.
Murphyism of the Day
Hoffstedt's Employment Principle
Confusion creates jobs.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Pay no attention to what the critics say... Remember, a statue has never been set up in honor of a critic!
- Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957)
Youalls seriously need a liquor license with that operation you got going there. Really, what the heck are you going to do with all that if not sell it? Drink it?
I guess what I'm really trying to say is: Jeebus, that's a lot of wine.
We plan to drink it and share with fellow family members. Want me to bring you a couple of bottles? What we made this summer won't be ready to drink until next summer. What we made last summer is almost gone. Whatever we don't drink will be given the chance to age a bit. I think of the time, twenty years from now, when Sis and I will crack open a bottle of our Vintage 2007 and remember the good old days when we could still ram that cork down into the bottle. LOL.
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