Hauling Dock Boards
Word of the Day
Linner - A meal eaten late in the day, but early in the evening as a combination of lunch and dinner.
I have over two weeks left here at The Lake. Instead of enjoying these last two weeks+, what do I find myself doing? I'm getting things ready for our return trip to Arizona. I haven't dragged the suitcases out of the closet as yet but I've got my lists and I'm checking them on a daily basis. I'm getting all the canned goods that I plan to take back to Arizona packed and ready. I've already got my garden beds put to bed for the winter...NOT. However, I have preformed this task several times as I've laid there in bed at night, trying to sleep. HTP would tell you that half my mind is already dedicated to our return to Arizona and that mentally, I'm halfway there.
Quite frankly, I'd rather be out fishing. Unfortunately, the last two days have been too windy to go out in the boat and...I'm too lazy to go out and dig for worms. Oh well.... Hopefully, HTP and I can get out in the boat at least one more time before we have to pull it out for storage. We're going to be taking the boat and dock out next week. *sigh* HTP and I found someone who is willing to lift the dock out of the water (the most difficult part of the process) if HTP and I take off all the dock boards. Dock boards, I can handle. Trailering the boat? Not so much...but...on a good day (no wind), we can do it. Sometimes I sound like The Little Engine That Could.
And then, Sis and I have to get the wine bottled. That's on for next week. And then I'll haul the suitcases out of the closet and listen to HTP grumble that there's no way that all the stuff I want to take back to Arizona will fit into the Gator and how nice it would be if we could just pack a couple of suitcases and fly back and forth each year. If it weren't for all my stuff and the dog......
Murphyism of the Day
Parkinson's Second Law
Expenditures rise to meet income.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.
- Florence Shinn
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