Word of the Day
Lickaspatch - The act of licking the spatula after baking.
Toadily sick. Sick as a dog...which, of course, makes sense since Gypsy is a dog. Gypsy went and found herself a big old toad to play with this afternoon. While I was out picking beans in the garden, Gypsy discovered a toad under one of the blueberry bushes on Blueberry Hill. By the time I figured out what she was playing with it was too late. No, she didn't kill the toad nor did she do much more than bother it a bit but we all know that toads have a rather nasty self-defense mechanism. Poor baby. Gypsy...not the toad. Poor me. I'd hoped that I'd managed to get to Gypsy before Gypsy had gotten to the toad but.... Oh, well.... Not five minutes back inside the house and Gypsy barfed up the entire contents of her stomach and then some. Dog vomit EVERYWHERE! Yuck! I finally grabbed her and took her outside where she could continue her barfing where I wouldn't have to wipe it up. I've got all her bedding in the washing machine, along with my shirt and jeans and some additional towels that were needed for clean up. I threw away the paper towels. She seems to be doing a lot better now...exhausted...but better. I don't think she actually ingested too much of the poison or she'd be a lot sicker. She probably just licked the thing. When I caught her she was just growling and pawing at the toad. Yes, I washed her paws to be on the safe side. Huge toad! I hope this has taught her a lesson. I have my doubts. Gypsy is a sweet and wonderful dog and I love her dearly but....she's not the sharpest crayon in the box.
Murphyism of the Day
Grossman's Lemma
Any task worth doing was worth doing yesterday.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success.
- Og Mandino (1923 - 1996)
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