Giant Puff Balls - 2007
Word of the Day
Lasterday - The day prior to the present day.
I had to can 4 quarts of tomatoes this morning. They were dead ripe. HTP and I couldn't eat them fast enough. With the 4 quarts that I canned previously....that makes a grand total of 8 quarts of tomatoes for the season. Not good. I'm still hopeful that I can buy a bushel of tomatoes from one of the local farmers but...
I went out to pick blackberries but...there aren't any. At least, all the ripe ones are gone. Something has been picking. Looks like I'm lucky to have gotten the few that I already picked. However, I didn't come back empty-handed. I found some puff balls. Not the giant puff balls that I got last year (I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for any of those that might pop up) but just your regular puff balls. I plan to cook them up and freeze them so I can enjoy them at a future date.
As for my 100 Push-up Challenge? I finished Week 6. However, this week has been a real struggle. Unlike the previous weeks, I ended up developing a violent headache during the last sequence and felt dizzy. No, I didn't forget to breath. I finished but.... I'm not sure if I'm ready to go on and do 100 Push-ups as yet. I'm thinking of starting again at Week 4. Maybe...by the time I complete Week 6 for the second time, I won't get the headaches anymore and I'll be able to complete the challenge. So, a day of rest and then back to Week 4.
My gamble of last night (betting that we wouldn't get "frosted") paid off. We didn't get any frost. My plants are fine. It doesn't look like we'll be getting any frost for at least another week...maybe longer, if you can believe the forecasts. Regardless, I picked my beans yesterday afternoon from the kennel garden and Wow! I got lots of beans. I thought they were done! I ended up canning 4 quarts of mixed green and wax beans yesterday, leaving enough so HTP and I still had enough to enjoy for supper last night. There's enough left yet for another meal. If we don't get a frost for a while, it looks like I'll be able to pick again.
I need to pick my Italian peppers again. They've been really prolific this year. I also have a couple of eggplant that should be picked. Tomatoes? They're pretty much done. It's too cold and the blight doesn't care. Oh well...next year.
Murphyism of the Day
Lafta's Lament
Nobody can leave well enough alone.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our lives that we must draw our strength to live and our reasons for living.
- Simone de Beauvoir
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