Gypsy Loves to Run Free
Word of the Day
Lampoosh - To amble with a limp, either seriously or in jest.
Where did the day go? I'd planned to blog but.....
Before breakfast, I picked Gypsy up from my folks. I was told that Gypsy behaved herself but seemed very interested in that big black dog that lives at the neighbors' place. My Dad was afraid to let her roam outdoors off-leash lest he have to hike down to my sister's place to retrieve my curious Gypsy. She comes when she's called...if she doesn't see something that she wants to check out like that big black dog at my sister's place. It's easier to let Gypsy run loose out here in our yard. No neighbors and very little traffic. Sis has guests and I think my cousin and his family were up for the weekend. They all share a common driveway and you never know when a car be driving in or out. As soon as Gypsy got home, I took her outside and she ran and ran and ran and ran. I'm going to have to see if I can find a dog park in Arizona where we live during the winter. Gypsy really loves to run off leash and that isn't going to happen in our little back yard back in Arizona.
Anyway, HTP and I are back to counting calories. Duly recorded calories. Keeping track in a log book. So far, I've out-paced HTP on the calorie count for the day. If it hadn't been for that little tiny apple (72 calories?), and the fact that my chicken thigh has more calories than his half of a chicken breast....Oh well...I didn't do bad for one day. Logging in at 1059 calories. I got my 1/2 cup of red wine and I get dessert too. Sugarfree butterscotch pudding. Yummm!!!! No...really...it tastes good. Lots better than the sugarfree jello.
On top of the diet gestapo routine....I finished Day 2 of Week 6 of the 100 Push-up Challenge. That last 42 push-ups almost causes a brain aneurysm but it's for a good cause. I'll be able to pick up and hold Ms. En with ease the next time I see her....if I live through this.
I heard from both my daughters today. DD Daughter and GI Joe wrote up an offer on a house and it was accepted....after a bit of dickering. Now for the paperwork. Closing date? October 15th. MC Daughter and D Buddy will be moving soon. Closer to where D Buddy works. This means that they'll be coming to see us pretty soon. They need to pick up things that they have in storage in The Big City and some things that they have here. #1 Son didn't call but he e-mailed. He's got some job prospects lined up. We're keeping our fingers crossed. It sounds like he's really enjoying life in The Big City.
Murphyism of the Day
Kissinger's Axiom
University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Memories can be sad, but sometimes they can also save you.
Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata
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