Another Overcast Day at The Lake
Word of the Day
Lessless - Without; not having even a lesser amount.
Today is a perfect day for a fire in the fireplace. The high temperature for the day may reach into the 60's....maybe. Actually, yesterday and the day before were also prefect days for a fire in the fireplace but it wasn't until this morning that I finally broke through my laziness and actually hauled in some firewood from the garage and prepped the fireplace so I could build a fire. Done. Fall is arriving. The leaves are just starting to turn. I've got a beautiful fire crackling away in the fireplace. The flames driving away the dreariness of the day and providing a bit of warmth when I refuse to fall back on the furnace. And then Gypsy got suspicious of the flames and decided that they might be something that she needed to bark at. *sigh* Thankfully, I hope I've put an end to that nonsense. I nipped it in the bud. It worked best to distract her with a vigorous bout of fetch. I love having a fire in the fireplace and I'm not going to put up with barking fits any time Gypsy decides to sound off. Hopefully, she'll learn when barking is acceptable and when it's not. We're working on it.
In the news today and yesterday....Hurricane Ike attacked the coastline of Texas. Galveston was hard hit. Houston looks like a war zone. Windows blown out. I've got a friend who lives just up the road a piece from Houston. I'm told that she's doing fine but there is no electricity, there's heavy flooding and people are advised to drink bottled water or boil whatever may come from their taps...if they can indeed get water from the electricity. Of course, people in Galveston, for the most part, evacuated when they were told to evacuate. However, there are always the few that think they know more than anyone else and decide to risk someone else's life when they find themselves in trouble. I'm thinking that people who place themselves, stupidly, in the path of danger, when there's a mandatory evacuation order in place...these people need to pay all the costs that their rescue entails. Kind of like the stupid motorist laws in Arizona. On the other hand, I'm sure that there were some people who were perfectly prepared for this situation who stayed in Galveston and are probably just fine. No rescue needed. It's those fools that I saw on TV who were partying at one of the local bars before the storm. I saw the same scene (different people, I'm sure) in New Orleans before Katrina. Nothing like a few adult beverages to drive all common sense that one might have out existence. I suppose it's all part of nature. Natural selection. The stupid are weeded out of the gene pool. Too bad they often take a hero with them when they go.
Enough lecturing. I didn't build a nice fire in the fireplace so I could spend my time here in the office...where I can't enjoy the fire.
Murphyism of the Day
Edison's Observation
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I said to myself, I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me - shapes and ideas so near to me - so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn't occurred to me to put them down. I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught.
- Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 - 1986)
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