A View From Our Dock
Word of the Day
Libits - Any piece of bread from the front or back of a loaf that no one wishes to eat.
I hear that Hurricane Ike...or the remnants of what was Hurricane Ike...caused hurricane force winds to blow near where MC Daughter and D Buddy are living on the border of Kentucky. I haven't heard from them since then but I trust that they remain unaffected by the storm.
The skies here have finally cleared. I'm told that the remainder of the week should be nice. I'm not seeing any indication that there will be any frost warning in the near future. My gardens are still producing...slowly. It's been too wet to go out and check on the kennel garden. I'll have to wait until things dry off a bit.
Gypsy is exhibiting and unusual fascination with toads. She goes into major hunting mode when she goes outside after dark. Tail wagging, nose to the ground, racing to check out anything that remotely might resemble a toad. When she actually stumbles across one, she suffers from a major case of tunnel vision....forget about the reason that we went outside in the first place. TOAD!!!! I'm having to walk her on leash at night when the toads are sitting/hunting out on our driveway. Toads are poisonous but there's no reasoning with Gypsy. I suppose if I let her grab one in her mouth, she'd learn. However, I don't want her to get sick. When I was young, we owned a dog who decided to taste a toad. Even though she spat it out immediately she ended up REALLY sick. I thought we were going to lose her. However, she never tried to play with toads after that. I just don't want to risk it. Why she can't exhibit a similar tunnel vision when it comes to squirrels and chipmunks?, I have no idea.
Murphyism of the Day
Hecht's Law
Tere is no time like the present for postponing what you don't want to do.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.
- Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
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