Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Conversing with Kylee

Word of the Day

Schmuckspert - One who is considered an expert on clumsy or stupid people.

I got most of my Earthboxes and container gardens planted yesterday. Then....this morning....Sarge noticed a big fat squirrel up on my deck, busily digging in my pots and Earthboxes, tearing at the plastic covers. *sigh* I chased the vandal off my deck. Thankfully, he didn't do too much damage. I had to replant my basil and parsley and repair the holes around my eggplant and some of my tomatoes. Then...I looked down at my pots on the lower patio. *sigh* That was on busy squirrel. I had to go down to repair/replant nine of the twenty-five tomatoes and all four of the peppers I'd planted in a huge pot. Plus, as soon as things dry out, I'll have to vacuum off all the dirt that the vandal tossed everywhere. Thankfully, I hadn't planted any lettuce seed in my window boxes yet. I'd prepped them for planting but ran out of energy. The squirrel REALLY made a mess of the window boxes, tossing dirt all over.

Anyway, as far as planting goes, I still need to plant the pole beans in my tow remaining Earthboxes, the lettuce in the window boxes, and the potatoes out in the kennel garden. Of course, the kennel garden still needs to be spaded but that will have to wait because it's still too wet out there.

Random Quote of the Day

When griping grief the heart doth wound,
and doleful dumps the mind opresses,
then music, with her silver sound,
with speedy help doth lend redress.

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

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