Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I'm going to the dentist this morning. Cavities. Shudder. I never used to have problems going to the dentist while I was growing up. I was spoiled by a wonderful dentist. He used to teach at the University of Minnesota. I miss him. Unfortunately, not all dentists are created equal. One bad dentist and dental technician can spoil the pot. I still have vivid memories and horrors from my visit with a former military dentist....and his technician. Now I have to be drugged just to get me into the door of one of those places. I found out that I break into a cold sweat just talking to a dentist on a social basis. Pitiful. If they want me to open my mouth, they also have to use nitrous. I wonder how many brain cells I've killed over the last few years. We discovered that my hysterical reaction to dentists....even with drugs and nitrous, tends to make novacaine ineffective....until hours after I get home. The dentist is always amazed that I remain awake and aware even with all the drugs. I should be unconcious. Hah! The minute I see those sharp instruments headed for my mouth I freeze and I start my panic attacks. I will say that the drugs tend to take the edge off...somewhat. What's a few lost brain cells. Wish me luck on my walk into hell today.

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