Thursday, April 10, 2003

It's Too Hot

It's 89° here today in my little part of Arizona. Well....that's the temperature at the airport. I don't live at the airport but I'm pretty sure that the temperature must be around 89° today...or maybe it's hotter. I really don't care. It's not humid. The birds are singing. There's a light breeze off the lake and the smell of orange blossoms is wafting through the air. I grew up in Minnesota and it's really cold in Minnesota right now. I think there is still snow in Nebraska. I actually think 89° is pretty darn nice. My husband says it's too hot. He wants to close all the windows and turn on the air-conditioning. Actually, he's wanted to close the windows all winter long until this week because he said it was too cold (apparently 65° F is too cold) and he wanted to turn on the furnace. I actually had to buy him an electric blanket. In Arizona?! It wasn't easy to find one. Now, he's too hot. I can't win. I've been married to this man for 25 years now and I don't think I'll ever understand him when it comes to how he judges heat vs. cold. He grew up in Minnesota too and I'm pretty sure that his folks set the thermostat to 65° in the winter. I know that mine did. You just put on a sweater. No big deal. Maybe you throw another log on the fire. We move to Arizona and he starts shivering? Put a sweater on for gosh sakes! Now, it's 89° outside and he's too hot. If we were staying at a hotel, he'd set the thermostat on 60°. Ask my kids how many times we've had to freeze under his thermostatic control? I am telling you the truth here. He's reaching for the furnace controls when the temperature dips down to 65° but if it's too hot (like he claims it is today) he's reaching to set the air-conditioning at 60°. I'll never understand it. It's just too weird.

I've been married 25 years now though and even though I'll never understand, I never travel without a sweater....and a jacket during the height of the summer. Because I know that if it's hot outside, I'm going to freeze at night in that darn hotel room. I'd better dig out my long-johns tonight if he gets his way with that air-conditioner. Sigh. I wonder if we'll get the living room?

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