Tuesday, April 01, 2003

It seems appropriate that today, April 1, also know as April Fool's Day, should be the birthday of my blog. You ask why? My answer is, that at my age (a subject that I won't get into at this time) I must be a fool to imagine that I can get over my fear of the technical and actually create what my daughter (and the providers of this service) call a "blog". I am not at all technically inclined. I am actually, more appropriatedly referred to as technically "declined". I will be honest. I'm afraid of my sewing machine. I handwrite my Christmas letter every year before entering it into the computer. I use the computer at that point as a highly evolved typewriter. I live in fear of creating anything on the computer that the computer could "eat". I also print out all my emails for fear that my words will forever be lost in cyberspace. This paranoid activity reflects my age where "whiteout" was a wonderful invention...one giant step for mankind. So you see, this is truly the correct and appropriate day for me to attempt "blogging". Did I just create a new vocabulary word? The verb "blog". The verb infinitive "to blog". I blog, you blog, we blog, you (plural) blog. We are blogging. Oh well, you now see how my mind seems to function. We'll see if it functions better tomorrow. I have now "blogged". OK. So I had to have my daughter's extremely patient help in all this for which I'm mentally kissing her feet. I dumped it into her lap after I couldn't get the "expletive deleted" thing to post and publish for me and she helped me post a picture, add contact information, post favorite URL's etc. IF all goes well, you have now read my blog and I will have blogged.

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