Monday, April 07, 2003

Mood Enhancer

I was talking to a friend the other day about our age and age-related problems. We were discussing our various symptoms and ailments when my friend recommended St. John's Wort to me as a possible natural help for symptoms related to menopause. I must admit that I rather like natural remedies. I've used them in the past and plan to continue using them with a modicum of caution in the future. I'd heard of St. John's Wort before as a natural anti-depressant. I told my friend that I wasn't really depressed and she told me that St. John's Wort would actually help stabilize my moods which I must admit have been swaying back and forth radically since I entered pre-menopause and menopause. I actually attribute this sway to a lack of sleep caused by hot flashes but I've been told that my hormones are probably going crazy right now. Doesn't seem fair to me. I'd finally gotten a grasp of the change puberty had made on my body (it only took me 35 years to figure out and control PMS) and now I have to figure out menopause (hopefully the world doesn't have to wait another 35 years for me to figure this one out).

Anyway, I went to one of those health stores and looked for St. John's Wort. By the way, do you know how many products are on the health store shelves that are supposed to help you adjust to menopause? It sure made me feel better knowing that there must be millions of women out there suffering from the same problems that I'm suffering from right now. Of course, the rest of you may be best advised to "duck and cover". I found the St. John's Wort on a shelf with all the other natural remedies which start with "S". Makes sense to me. I didn't even have to ask the cheery little teenie bopper without a care in the world who was manning the store to help me. I'm a label reader, so I went ahead and read the label. Right on the label, in bold letters, were the words. This product may enhance mood. Now I didn't really need to go to the dictionary to figure out what enhance means but I'll quote you the definition anyway. Enhance: To make greater, to heighten. OK?! Why in the world would I want to make any of my various moods greater or heighten them. If I'm angry, wouldn't that just heighten my anger and therefore endanger anyone near me? If I'm sad, wouldn't that just heighten my sadness and thereby make my sadness greater? What if I'm anxious? I don't really think I want to heighten my anxiety right now with a war going on. So, why in the world would I ever want to take St. John's Wort? of the definitions of enhance is: to make better. Maybe I'm grasping at straws but...Oh well....I'm willing to try anything at this point. Must be the menopause. But I caution, Beware! Person with Enhanced Moods! Approach at your own risk!

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