Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Lake - February 19, 2010
The frozen lake is covered in a thick layer of snow.

The Lake - March 10, 2010
The lake is still frozen but the blanket of snow is gone.

Word of the Day

Spellilepsy - An event in which the brain omits particular letters from words, intermittently throughout the day, that is mostly caused by staring blankly at objects on a computer screen for too long.

The snow is's melting, melting, melting. We've been getting rain...all night long...all day long. I was startled to see a herd of deer crossing my backyard, browsing on newly exposed vegetation. We see lots of deer every summer but never this many. Ten deer! Why couldn't they have shown up while Ms. En was here to see them? Why couldn't they have shown up while Sis' hubby was out hunting last fall? They mock us. I'm afraid they have their mouths set to taste my blueberry bushes, or my plum tree, or my azaleas. I don't mind them mowing down the vegetation in the buffer zone between the house and the lake but they can just stay away from my gardens!

Random Thought of the Day

Does a 'Marks-A-Lot' marker, mark any more than a regular marker?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If you can attain repose and calm, believe that you have seized happiness.

- Julie-Jeanne-Eleonore de Lespinasse

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