Friday, March 06, 2009

Word of the Day

Perbe - Possibly; perchance; perhaps; maybe.

My duet partner and I didn't sound too bad yesterday but I decided that I'd better get off the stick and practice more. I went through the duet music a few times today and then dragged out my music books that have CD accompaniment. I don't think I sounded too bad but HTP made me close the windows so my playing wouldn't bother anyone. That's the problem with living in the big city where your neighbors are within spitting distance. They're also within listening distance. However, I think HTP could have been a bit more tactful about the window closing thing. I don't sound THAT bad.

Murphyism of the Day

Snafu Equation Number One

Given any problem containing "n" equations, there will always be "n + 1" unknowns.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

To do just the opposite is also a form of imitation.

- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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