Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Word of the Day

Backspubble - Dishwater that disappears down one drain of a double sink and comes up the other.

On the Road Again - Day 1

We made it safe and sound to our hotel in Utah. At one point we encountered one of those little flagged areas on our Triptik. Road Construction. No warnings that there might be some delay. I could have walked the 8 miles of "Road Construction" faster than we crept along. We'd stopped in Mesquite to "water the horses". I don't actually own any horses but that's the nice way of saying that we needed to use the "facilities". Anyway, I'm glad we stopped because our 1-1/2 hour long road construction crawl made us all look at the lone construction john with envy. We exited on the first available St. George exit and detoured around the last two miles of road construction...after we stopped for another very necessary stop and a delayed lunch. Oh...and we had to go buy new batteries for the walkie-talkies. They work a lot better when they have fresh batteries. Without fresh batteries, all we were able to hear was a distressing wail.

We're heading to somewhere in Colorado today. I'm not sure what my internet connection will be but I'll try to blog...if we don't get stuck in the Eisenhower Tunnel. That's a joke! That won't happen. Right?

On the Road Again - Day 2

Random Thoughts

Swift trucks aren't swift.
Beware of Eagles on Pavement (I actually saw this yellow warning sign...I didn't see any eagles on the pavement).
There are lots and lots and lots of patrol cars and motorcycles picking off speeders like flies on fly-paper on the outskirts of Denver.
It's almost impossible to maintain 55 mph coming down a mountain but I managed.

We're heading to see DD Daughter and GI Joe tomorrow. Nebraska here we come.

Murphyism of the Day

First Law of Traffic

The slow lane you were stopped in starts moving as soon as you leave it.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

The problem with political jokes is they get elected.

Henry Cate VII

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