Tuesday, November 13, 2007

HTP and DD Daughter, Thanksgiving - 1980

Word of the Day

Dject - The overwhelming urge of a music connoisseur to wait until the end of the currently playing song before changing the song or ejecting the compact disc.

Last year HTP decided that he'd really rather have his office where we currently have the guest room/library/wine cellar. *sigh* I've been dreading this move. HTP's office furniture is heavy and huge. But that isn't the biggest thing. Moving HTP office stuff means that all the stuff in the guest room/library/wine cellar also needs to be packed up and moved. Aside from all that....the room that is currently serving as a guest room/library/wine cellar is a lot bigger than the room that is serving as HTP's office. Therefore, not every bit of stuff from one room will fit into the other room. I was hoping that HTP would decide that all this moving stuff would be too much trouble but.....

I'm saying all this because, HTP decided last night to start the moving process. He's coveting my guest room/library/wine cellar. He got a moving bug last night and started measuring the two rooms and moving some of the stuff out of the guest room/library/wine cellar and into my dining room and living room. What a mess! And now it's time to pack up all my books so we can move the bookcases around and he can't do that because he doesn't know how I've got my books organized and I don't want to have to sort everything out and reorganize if he tosses books willy-nilly into boxes. However, I think I can carefully pack the books into boxes if I'm the one that's doing the doing.

At this point HTP decided to get some moving boxes from the garage so I could pack up my books. Only...the garage is a bit of a mess and he got distracted. Now, we're cleaning and organizing the garage before we tackle moving my guest room/library/wine cellar (or whatever will fit from there) into HTP's office. *sigh* What a mess! I'm getting tired just thinking about it. Some of my library will have to remain in HTP's new office because not all the bookshelves will fit into that smaller room, however, on the plus side, all of HTP's office will fit into my old guest room/library/wine cellar. The only thing is that I won't be able to use the new guest room/library/wine cellar as a wine cellar because that room gets too hot. That's the main reason HTP wants to move his office out of that room. I'm afraid that HTP is going to have to share his new office space with my wine cellar....unless his computer equipment makes it too hot in there...at which point I'll have to figure something else out. He's also going to have to get used to having most of my books in his office. In actuality, HTP's office is going to end up becoming a small guest room...with a few of my books. *sigh* I've got a bad feeling that I'm going to have to listen to HTP constantly "not" complaining about my books in his office. I just know it. Non-complaints are those little looks that HTP is famous for or the odd comment here or there about my preferences when it comes to books.

Oh well...the garage is getting clean. That's a good thing. I may actually be able to find stuff in the cupboards out there. And HTP will just have to live with all kinds of my books and wine in his office and the sharp side of my tongue if I even get a hint of one of his non-complaints.

On top of all this...I'm doing laundry and Gypsy is outside looking lonely because she can't be with me while I'm working out in the garage or packing up books. I dread the actual moving of the furniture. HTP's office furniture is huge and awkward. When we first moved here, the movers didn't even want to move it. *sigh* I have a feeling that today and the coming days will not rank right up there with my favorites.

Murphyism of the Day

Sartre's Observation

Hell is others.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.

- Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)

1 comment:

Mink said...

I'm glad that BTP seems content with letting me decide where I want everything as long as he has a small space for himself and as long as he knows where everything is (<--that's very important because like Dad, he falls completely apart if he cannot find something [even if he's the one who misplaced it *COUGH*]). Ironically enough, I don't find him complaining about how much stuff we (I) have. I'm trying to whittle down my personal inventory and HE'S the one grabbing things and saying, "OH! But this is perfectly good. What if we need it some day?" Ugh. I find myself using the phrases, "NO! Throw it AWAY!" and "We're donating that. We DON'T need it." more often than not, lately.

He never says anything about the subject matter of my books, but I have heard a comment or two about how many books I have. I'll have to agree with him on that one and I've put together three boxes of books to donate to the Plattsmouth library so far. The lady at the front desk was overjoyed when I let her know this afternoon. I decided a donation would be better appreciated in a small town library than one of the big ones here in Omaha.