Friday, April 11, 2008

Iris Spring at The Lake

Word of the Day

Gratisfaction - 1. The state of being simultaneously gratified and satisfied. 2. To be saturated with gratuity such that the point of further utility is exceeded. 3. The satisfaction of getting something gratis -- without payment.

16 Days Until We Leave for The Lake

I made the executive decision that it's been too cool outside for Gypsy to have her swim therapy sessions this week. If I can't take a wet Gypsy outside to dry off after one of our sessions, the session isn't going to happen. I've doubled up on the cavaletti exercises. We still only take one round the block walk each morning and one walk to and from the mailbox because there's no point in overdoing things. Patience, thy name is NOT Old Grey Frog but I'm trying. I just have to accept the fact that Gypsy's hind legs are going to take time to gain muscle mass and strength.

Gypsy really looks forward to our walks each morning. This morning she was greeted and loved by two "young at heart" women who were out for a morning walk. Gypsy even got picked up and cuddled. Gypsy loves being loved. She couldn't have cared less about the wandering roadrunner that crossed our path. People? She goes into wagging tail ecstasies gifting everyone within tongue range with puppy kisses.

Though it sounds like there still may be snow falling at The Lake, HTP and I continue whittling down our To Do List. I'm making a final Saver's run with my friend tomorrow. There isn't a Saver's store at The Lake. There are other thrift stores but they don't compare to Saver's. HTP and I are also planning on one more get together with friends to take in a movie at a real movie theatre. I want to see Jackie Chan's newest movie that will be coming out next Friday. The To Do List and the Packing List will see much more attention from now on. However, I still may not print the lists out for another few days.

I talked to Sis last night. She assured me that it's OK to have Gypsy "shaved". She used to have her Springer Spaniel's hair cut twice a the Spring and in the Fall before hunting season. So....I've decided to have Gypsy's hair cut when I bring her to the groomer's before we hit the road. My thought is that it'll be a lot easier to keep Gypsy clean and tick free if she doesn't have quite so much hair to grab hold of dead leaves and branches and burrs and whatever flotsam may decide to take up residence in her fur. I don't intend for them to shave her bald. I'm thinking that they can shave off the excess stuff, like the hair on that extends off her ears and gets into her food and the feathers on her legs...but not her tail. Besides that, she looks a bit funny with her butt end with short hair and the rest of her is long haired. The vet shaved Gypsy before surgery. A one time shave to even things out a bit won't hurt. It'll grow back. However, they'd better leave her tail alone. I like the flag hair on Gypsy's tail. It looks a lot better than that rat tail look that she used have as a puppy.

Murphyism of the Day

Computer System Definition of the Day

Software- The parts of a computer system that don't work.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Tears may be dried up, but the heart - never.

- Marguerite de Valois

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