Monday, July 22, 2013

Daylilies Gone a Bit Wild

Word of the Day

Thumbulation - The state of being thumbulated.


I decided to have a lazy day. No outdoor work and minimal To Do List stuff. I cleaned and sorted the raspberries that I picked yesterday. Some, I prepped and froze to make into jam or jelly, some I plan to enjoy for dessert tonight. Vanilla pudding (sugarfree), fresh raspberries and a dollop of Kool Whip. I really need to start making jam soon. I already have enough prepped strawberries to make six batches of strawberry jam and from what I'm seeing outside, I'll need to make room in the freezer for prepped raspberries. Oh well...maybe tomorrow? It's obvious to me that I'll need to add more pectin to my shopping list.

But, for today, I wasn't entirely lazy. I got off my duff and dedicated an entire hour to yoga exercise this morning. Much needed yoga exercise. With the resultant yoga energy high, I spent some time cleaning the refrigerator, sorting out what needed to be eaten and what I should toss. I HATE throwing away food but some of that stuff was well over a week old and I HATE getting sick a lot worse than throwing away food. I'm on a "get healthy" kick right now (I need to lose some weight AND dedicate some time to my yoga exercise). With all the fresh lettuce and salad fixings just outside on my deck, I'll enjoying lots of salads in the coming weeks. I've also been picking and cleaning male zucchini blossoms which I'm looking forward to having for breakfast tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what I'll do with the eggplant growing bigger every day out on the deck but...I'll figure out something. Eggplant Parmesan? In the meantime, I've got some chicken breasts marinating to grill and slice for future salads.


Random Quote of the Day

Make your own recovery the first priority in your life.

Robin Norwood

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