Monday, July 29, 2013

Let Us Have Lettuce!

Word of the Day

Toe cleavage - The result of women's footwear that is cut too deeply along the top of the foot, showing where the toes begin, but not the entire toe.


After vacuuming two days in a row, I decided that it was past time for my darling Kylee to go into the groomers'. They reopened in's July. I kind of figured out why they went out of business for a while. It's not like there's a huge demand for high end pet products out here in rural Wisconsin. I still think they're going to have to re-think their product line. Who in the heck buys spends $30 for a elk horn for their dog to chew on? I did buy some sort of horn for $5 but...$30? I love Kylee but for that much, I'm going to saw it up and make some jewelry out of it. However, I am willing to let someone else furmenate the heck out of my dog for $30...bath her and trim her nails. The amount of "furmenating" that my dog needs (since it hasn't been done since before I left Arizona), is beyond my capability. I admit it. I'm don't "furmenate" my dog on a daily basis. However, I think that's why we get along so well. I don't trim her nails, give her shots, or any other sort of thing that would damage our relationship...other than daily obedience training which she doesn't object to because...she gets treats. My Kylee LOVES treats.

While Kylee was off getting beautified, I took the chocolate chip cookies that I made yesterday (no, I didn't keep a single one for me) over to my folks' place along with some choice, cleaned raspberries that I picked the other day. The raspberries are really big this year, beyond my expectations. And here I thought that they wouldn't produce so many berries this year because I was delayed in pruning....and I didn't get around to fertilizing. Who am I to complain?

I hadn't planned to do any shopping but, since I was told that Kylee's appointment would take THREE HOURS, I decided to stop into The Dollar Store to check out the merchandise. I purchased some more "This isn't Tupperware" products and some of those neat little shower cap-type things that you can use to cover stuff in the fridge or to keep flies off for picnics (love those) and I resisted purchasing a lot of dollar-priced items...feeling incredibly virtuous until I found myself in line behind a group of senior, one who hadn't purchased a single item. *sigh* Oh well, I really needed those shower-cap thingies.

Actually, the only reason that I'd baked the cookies and that I'd gone to the city in the first place was because someone had left an empty box of dishwasher detergent cubes under the sink in my kitchen. I didn't do it. It becomes apparent that my darling son is just that sort of person who leaves an empty box of...nothing...under the sink, thus making everyone else think that there just might be something in that box. After making seven batches of jam, I discovered the hoax. I was down to two mere cubes of dishwasher detergent....and then, after baking four dozen cookies...I was down to one.

I don't like going to the city (30 minutes away), without figuring out how to maximize my time, cost (gas mileage), and effort. Thus...I made four dozen chocolate cookies for my Dad (T-Square)...which both Ma and T-Square appreciated, I cleaned and put aside some of the choicest of my raspberries for my Dad and my Mom (which could have been mistaken for strawberries because they were so big...and they were...mistaken for strawberries by some of the other residents of the senior apartments where my folks live) , I scheduled a grooming appointment for Kylee (only late by five minutes but we got stuck behind a tractor), I made up a Shopping List and checked it twice (and...of course, I forgot to put band-aides on the list...should have checked that list three times), and decided to get a pedicure, but, only if I found myself with some spare time. THREE HOURS?! I had time...or almost. And, I really should have worn flip-flops instead of socks and shoes. What was I thinking? Oh well, JC Penney had a clearance sale on their really cheap flip-flops so I didn't have to wear the totally weird Pro-Nail flip flops that I was given to wear at Pro-Nail. Thankfully, the groomer wasn't upset about spending additional time with Kylee. I'm told that Kylee loves to give lots of kisses and hugs....and "She's such a cutie!"

I resisted the temptation of stopping at our newest grocery store, Gordy's, to buy a small pizza from their deli or some of their delicious sushi...but...I succumbed to temptation at the drive-thru at Arby's. Kylee was very good and didn't do more than glance and drool a little when I bought some Arby's Jr. Roast Beef sandwiches from the dollar menu. Why?! I just lost ten pounds and I feel like I need to gain it all back? I only ate two...after I got back home. I'm freezing the they can call to me in a siren-type voice.

Lettuce. I'm having a salad for dinner tonight. It's not like I don't have a LOT of the stuff. Meanwhile, I think I might have burned off my Arby's calories when I picked three buckets of raspberries from my bushes. Looks like I'll be making more jam and jelly. I need to pick currants and gooseberries too. Tomorrow?


Random Quote of the Day

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)

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