Saturday, June 07, 2003

2 Days of Driving before I get to Wisconsin and "The Lake"

Highlights of the Drive...So Far

Las Vegas has no casinos. Las Vegas, New Mexico. I saw many casinos as we traveled through New Mexico but there were no casinos in Las Vegas. There are, I'm sure, all the same casinos that were in Las Vegas, Nevada as were the last time I visited Las Vegas, Nevada. A few more may have sprung up like weeds since my last visit. Las Vegas, New Mexico has none. Las Vegas, New Mexico is noted as a former rough and ready Old West town along the old Santa Fe Trail where such desperados as Billy the Kid and Doc Holiday added to their legends. Las Vegas, New Mexico has no casinos.

While driving cross country depend upon the fact that you will encounter road construction. If you don't encounter road construction, quietly count your blessings. Whatever you do, don't tell anyone. Another given is that the parade going through a road construction zone will be lead by either a person driving a large RV, a person towing or driving a U-Haul, or a person driving a yellow Penske rental truck.

Weather is always a factor while traveling. Expect the unexpected. Denver is expecting a June snowstorm. We missed that but were hit by slush balls and dime-size hail. It could have been worse. There is always the possibility that things could have been worse. While traveling there will always be someone, somewhere, who will be experiencing worse weather conditions then you. Be thankful. Tomorrow could be better but don't count your chickens. On the otherhand, be thankful for the rain which washed off the "spray" from that cattle truck that you were following.

Traveling can open up a whole new world of entertainment. Sit back and enjoy it. I am always fasinated by what I call, Dueling Big Rigs when one big rig driver thinks that his rig can travel at least 5 mph faster then the big rig he's following. Now you can be entertained watching two big rigs drag racing at 45 mph down the interstate while you and that Corvette from New Mexico are trapped behind....going 45 mph in a 75 mph zone. It's fun to see how long it'll take for the driver of the Corvette to lose what's left of his mind. Entertainment is where one finds it and traveling opens up many such opportunities. Who knows what else will be discovered tomorrow but I'm ready for it. I think.

PS. I just discovered that I aged another hour in a second today near the town of Ogalalla when I crossed from the Mountain Time Zone to the Central Time Zone. No new wrinkles.

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