Sunday, August 03, 2008

Word of the Day

Jogma - The tenets, secrets and mysteries surrounding proper jogging.

It's going to be a warm and sticky day. Right after breakfast, I raced outside, bucket in hand, to pick the tame raspberries before the heat and humidity would make the task too sticky. Picking the tame raspberries is a task that needs doing every other day, at least, I choose to make it an every other day task versus and daily task. I'm noting that the raspberry bushes on the west side of the house could probably be trimmed. I really should remove the canes that have finished producing so there will be more room for the new vines. Next time I pick the berries, I'll have to bring my pruning shears. The raspberry bushes on the east side of the house are just starting to ripen, as well as the bushes by the garden and the south side of the house. I've got everbearing raspberry bushes. I'll be picking well into the least, that's how it happened last year.

HTP is busy making labels for me for the things that I canned yesterday. I'm going to prep and freeze the raspberries I picked today and in the coming days until I have enough to make at least two more batches of jam.

HTP spent the a great deal of the day yesterday out in the garage. He decided that the used crib that we bought could use a new coat of paint. Somehow the project became more involved than I think he intended. Originally, he just meant to paint the parts of the crib that Ms. En might decide to "teeth" but then, that part looked so good after he'd painted it that the rest looked "used". So, he decided to paint the entire crib. Before he could paint the crib, he had to take it all apart, sand down all the pieces that he hadn't painted, and then it took lots more paint that you'd imagine. Anyway, long story short, he started the project two days ago and aside from putting all the pieces back together, at least he got everything painted by around supper time last night. At breakfast, he brought up the subject of decals. At this point, I think we should just put everything back together and we'll leave the decal discussion for another day. Maybe DD Daughter and I can make a run into the craft section of Bargain Bill's and pick something out. I'm thinking a line of tropical rainforest frogs might be interesting...and different. Of course, I may be a tad biased due to my addiction to everything frog.

Murphyism of the Day

Glynn's Law

The amount of aggravation inherent in a business transaction is inversely proportional to the profit.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is "thank you," that would suffice.

- Meister Eckhart


Anonymous said...

*L* Sounds fun. You know that MIL is getting her lots of frogs too, just because of YOUR influence. The newest addition was a stuffed frog that sings and dances.

Old Grey Frog said...

MIL & FIL need to come visit sometime. I want a stuffed frog that sings and dances. LOL. I guess I'll just have to settle for my motorcycle frog that I bought in New York....and maybe some fancy frog decals for the "new" crib....if I can slip it below HTP's radar.