Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I didn't write a blog yesterday. Does that mean I have to write two today? Well forget it! I'm sorry. I just got too busy yesterday. We had to drive into the big city to visit with my husband's mom and dad for a short while. Whereupon best wishes were proferred with a round of hugs for all and probing questions about the wedding and wedding plans were discussed. Since we only had 30 minutes it was a minor miracle that so much territory was covered. We only stayed 30 minutes because my husband needed to get to the airport for his pre-flight security check-in. I'm assuming that he made it to his final destination....back to hot and arid Arizona...safe and sound if not sane. I haven't heard from him yet but I doubt I'll hear from him until he recovers from the flight. Flying these days is so interesting. I wonder if they searched his baggage. He was carrying various food items. I imagine the cheese curds may have raised a few eyebrows. Did they question the can of coffee? It was sealed. But was it really coffee? Did they get a can-opener and open it up to check? We love Butternut coffee and you can't buy it in Arizona so we always have to "import" it from the wilds of Wisconsin. We also have to "import" other food items such as whole grain mustard in larger more economical containers. Apparently Arizonans don't eat much mustard. You can only get those teeny-weeny jars of the stuff which only lasts for 2-3 sandwiches before you have to run out and buy another jar of the over-priced stuff.

Oh well...I'm off the main subject. One does go off on tangents if one isn't careful. Back to why I was so busy that I didn't write my blog yesterday. After dropping my husband off at the airport, we toodled off to the mall. The Mall. The Mall to end all Malls. The Mall of America. My daughter's fiance had never been there. Besides picking up a wedding book and matching guestbook , we split up and explored The Mall. I've always felt that they should rename the place The Maul. It would be far more honest of them. I explored the first and second floors and had to meet the happy couple for supper. I bought some new shoes. Afterwards we raced through the third floor of The Maul looking for a pair of shoes for my daughter. We didn't find anything that she liked. Future plans to go to The Maul? I think I'll pass. They can go by themselves. We drove back to "The Lake" after The Maul closed and we were swept out the door. It was early this morning by the time we got back here. 1 AM. Past my bedtime. I don't know when "the happy couple" went to bed because I didn't wait around to see.

Now I have to go pick my dogs up from my folks' place. Poor parents. Poor dogs because it's late and I doubt that they've been fed....the dogs not the parents. Poor parents for having to put up with poor dogs. They're probably whining and complaining. The dogs...not the parents. At least I hope not. Maybe I should bring them a couple of the muffins I made this morning. For the parents not the dogs.

Cliche of the Day

Hell is Paved With Good Intentions. It isn't enough to promise good deeds; you must do them. The thought is often expressed as "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." A similar saying, going back to 1574, in Guevara's Chronicles by Edward Hellowes, is: "Hell is full of good meanings and wishes." The modern saying was picked up by John Wesley in his Journal(1736): "It is a true saying, Hell is paved with good intentions."

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