Friday, July 25, 2003

It's Friday still. I was going to write something early this morning but ran out of time. Now I'm quickly writing something so I don't skip a day. Argh! What should I write?

We all (my husband, my daughter, her boyfriend, and me) drove into Minneapolis to have dinner with, I could list them all but to make a long list short, relatives from my husband's side of the family. I ordered Jumbo Shrimp. They were really Jumbo. I mean lobster tail jumbo. I could only eat three of the six on my plate. I gave one away and the other two are in the refrigerator waiting for me to heat them up for lunch and possibly supper tomorrow. Thank goodness for "Doggy Bags" which aren't bags at all anymore. They don't even pretend to think that you're bringing a treat back for your dog in that huge styrofoam partitioned container that they give you. I'm sure that my dogs would love to eat my leftover shrimp but I'm not going to share. They'll just have to live with their Science Diet Light when I go and pick them up from my folks' place tomorrow morning. We just got back to "the lake" and it's too late to pick them up tonight. But even if they were here they couldn't have any of my shrimp. Poor puppies.

Cliche of the Day

Eat Your Heart Out. To grieve or worry excessively in a hopeless situation; also what one says to someone in such a situation when one is unsympathetic to him. Sir Thomas Elyot defined it in 1535 a bit differently: "Eate no harte, what does it els signifie, but accombre not thy mynde with thoughtes, ne do not fatigate the [thee] with cares?" The ancient Greeks had an expression (quoted by Plutarch as a "Parable of Pythagoras") that translates as "Eat not the heart." It meant not to consume oneself with troubles or worries, which could be almost as devastating as eating one's heart.

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