Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Yesterday was not Wednesday. My watch was all screwed up and it told me that it was Wednesday yesterday. I drove the garbage to the road because I thought that yesterday was Wednesday. When one lives in rural Wisconsin, one either walks the 1/2 mile down their driveway with the garbage cans or one drives their garbage the 1/2 mile to the main road for garbage pickup. I prefer driving my garbage that 1/2 mile. Call me lazy because I'd probably drive my gargage 1/4 mile too. I'm lucky to have garbage pickup at all. I even have recycling! I have to drive the recycling to the road too. Before we had garbage pickup, we burned the burnable garbage and drove the rest of the stuff to some unsuspecting trash receptacle in town...when no-one was looking. Apartment trash bins work great for this. Thankfully, we have our own trash pickup now so we don't do that anymore...except for that last trash pickup of the summer. Rest Area trash barrels work well enough for that. Anyway, today is Wednesday. I got my garbage out to the road early. It's already up at the road waiting for pickup.

In Arizona I'd be fined for taking my garbage out early. No-one wants to look at your trash barrel longer then deemed necessary in Arizona. You have to sneak it out to the curb in the dead of night and then race out and hide it again before anyone sees it. It's in the rules. The rule book is quite long and involved. Thankfully there isn't a rule book here in rural least not about things like garbage cans. They do frown upon hunting deer from your motorized vehicles. I wasn't planning on taking that up as a hobby anytime soon.

Cliche of the Day

It's the Pits. It's bad or unpleasant; it's the worst. Although the expression isn't very old, having originated in the United States about 10 years ago, the kind of "pit" originally referred to is lost. "Coal pit," "armpit," "automobile racetrack pit" (the scene of hectic, grueling and nerve-wracking action)? Woody Allen wrote in The New Yorker in 1977 that "watching TV all day is the pits."

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