Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Word of the Day

Tsarcasm - Royal wisecracking.

3 Days and a Wake Up And We Hit the Road

I'm still packing. Actually, I packed both of my suitcases, just to make sure that everything would fit in them. Now...I'm having to unpack stuff because I still need it. The same thing happened last night when I made my famous spaghetti sauce. No recipe. I'd packed my recipes. On a side note, I really need to spend time copying my recipes onto the computer so I don't have to lug recipe files cross-country twice a year. Anyway, I had to dig out my recipe from the box where it was packed. And this morning? I had to put it back so I wouldn't forget it here in Wisconsin when I'll need it back in Arizona. HTP always gives me heck for packing way too early. The only thing is that I hate to wait until the last minute to do things and then run around in panic mode and forget things that I forgot to put on The List.

I think I could actually finish up my packing today but what would be the point? My Grandmother used to tell me stories about when she little. When she was little, her parents would on occasion treat her and her sister to candy. Now...my Grandmother's sister would eat all her candy as fast as she could put it in her mouth. My Grandmother, on the other hand, would take just a bit of candy and save the rest to enjoy later. This would have been great if my Grandmother didn't have a sister who had already finished her candy asap. I can't tell you how many times my Grandmother told me how she'd end up having to share her remaining candy with her sister. So what was the moral of this story? You'd think I'd have learned it by now. Gobble down your candy as soon as you can or you'll end up losing it!

OK...so I told you that story so I could illustrate a similar tale. I, as I stated previously, like to pack things "too early" because I hate panic mode packing. I hate trying to do too much work in too little time. I am no Hercules tasked with cleaning up the Augean Stables. Unfortunately, HTP likes to leave his packing to the very last minute. It drives HTP nuts to see me sitting around doing nothing. The entire time he's packing he's trying to think up things for me to do....from his list. Did you unplug all the nightlights? Yes. Did you make sure all the fans are off? Yes. Did you pull all the shades? All but this one. Did you switch off the circuits for the dock light? Yes. How about the answering machine? Yes. The list of questions goes on and on because his list duplicates some of the stuff on my list. And the moral of my story? Don't hang around worker bees if you don't want to be swept along in the frenzy?

If you think about it you might be able to see a similarity in my two tales. Maybe not. Maybe I should have told you the tale of the ants and the grasshopper. But you see, HTP isn't a grasshopper. He really does work hard. It's just that he can't stand it that I finish up my work before he does because I started sooner and spread my workload out more. And...I've never seen HTP have to unpack stuff because he packed something he still needs. So? Nope, I just can't change at this point. I'd rather unpack something that I still need than risk forgetting something in a last minute packing panic. I guess this will just have to remain as another one of my "You fish your way and I'll fish my way" moments in life. And I'll suck it up and go down and check to make sure the basement door is locked....again. At least it isn't as bad as finding out the hard way that the toilet seat was left up after you've stumbled half asleep to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Ewwww! I really hate that one.

Murphyism of the Day

The Pitfalls of Genius

No boss will keep an employee who is right all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thing you are organized and have lists!!! I haven't found my meds yet and probably won't, not too expensive and have supply here also, clip on magnifiers, I remember looking at them and thinking I should pack them but forgot, 2 pair at lake 0 at home, retrieved pair loaned to neighbor, she isn't using them, power cord for external hard drive, how it got separated from HD I don't know, I bought a bigger one and my daughter wants one for Christmas so only have to buy the cord. As I was loading computer tower into car neighbor startled me and I jumped and screamed!!! Lost all thoughts. Then he proceeded to chat and I needed to finish loading and get to PO to get last of the mail. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!!
Safe trip back to warm weather and have a good winter.