Sunday, October 29, 2006

Word of the Day

Unbeweaveable - An outrageous hairstyle consisting of hair extensions.

Welcome Home GI Joe and the Entire 189th TC! I wish we could have been there to greet you as you came off the bus.

I hope someone took loads of pictures. Sacrificing any hope that laundry would actually be completed yesterday, HTP and I hit the stores. I had a shopping list that seems like it was growing in leaps and bounds. Pretty soon I would have had to call a publisher. I'm exaggerating but I'm allowed. Anyway, we went out shopping to pick up stuff that I needed to start my wine-making projects for the winter. We picked up Vodka and Everclear (I'm amazed that they sell it here) for my Limoncello-making project. We picked out five new plants to replace the poor souls that died in our yard over the summer. Poor things just couldn't take the freezing temperatures of last winter and the blistering heat and wind of the Arizona summer heat. Go figure. That's why we moved to The Lake. I decided to try a new variety that promises that it won't be bothered by freezing temperatures or desert heat. Dwarf Myrtle or Myrtus compacta. It grows slowly to 2-3 feet high and as wide. It says it's adaptable and hardy in both heat and cold. I also got a Texas Sage to keep my two Mrytle happy. That one shouldn't have any problems with the heat or the cold. Then...for the backyard...I bought two Natal Plum (Carissa grandiflora) which can grow as high as 5 to 7 ft. to replace the dead hibiscus. Thorns. They have thorns but I like the waxy white flowers against the dense green foliage. I already have the compact variety. It doesn't really like the freezing cold but it only gets damage if the temperatures drop to 28°F. From my experience and from what I read in the book, it recovers quickly in the spring. I'm trying to eliminate my "dancing with sheets" routine. was back to the grocery store because I couldn't find my powdered lemon , TrueLemon, that I like for my tea at the first store, Bashas. I almost abandoned all hope until I finally found it in the diet section of Albertson's and bought a box of the True Lemon and a box of the True Lime. I love both of them. Now I wonder if I might have been able to find it at the first store and they put it in the diet aids area of the store. I'll have to check the website to see which stores carry the product here in Arizona. They don't carry it anywhere near us in Wisconsin.

Plans for the day? I think HTP and I plan to dig out dead plants and plant live plants. I plan to finish the laundry. I plan to sit quietly and work on Sudoku as I recover from whatever exercise I may get.

Murphyism of the Day

Stewart's Law of Retroaction

It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. (ummmm....I have severe doubts that this law would be anadvisablee course of action to follow in the military.)

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