Saturday, July 14, 2007

Blog! I'll try to do better tomorrow...if I don't get sucked back into a book.

I knew it! I knew it! I knew that once I picked up a book to read that I'd suck it down in one sitting and do absolutely nothing else for the rest of the day! I'm a book addict! I wasn't even satisfied with reading just one book. I had to start on another. I'm a bookaholic! No restraint!

I did make breakfast, I fed the dogs, washed my hair, "Weeded and Fed" the lawn, put in a presence at the lake association meeting, I made lunch and then....I picked up a book to read. That's all she wrote folks. I'm going to make supper now and I promise to try and blog better tomorrow. I may be sending longing looks toward that new Nora Roberts book that I just purchased on Thursday but I think I can dredge up enough will power to hold off until after supper.

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