Saturday, March 01, 2008

Word of the Day

Frozation - Coldness. The process of freezing.

Leap Year! I'm going to have to reset my watches. My atomic clocks and my computer wasn't phased by the addition of yesterday, the extra day in February, but my watches don't have that kind of smarts.

Poor Puppy II Update

The surgeon told me that Gypsy's second surgery would be a lot less painful than the first. I'm not too sure about that. Poor Gypsy. She definitely wasn't a happy puppy yesterday when I picked her up at the hospital. No wagging. No puppy kisses. She came home yesterday and couldn't help give out a couple of yips. She's having to really use and put most of her rear end weight on her left hind leg for stabilization and the bigger cast on her right leg doesn't help much. I noticed that she's keeping her right leg slightly elevated...hardly using it at all. Plus, her left leg is still healing from the first operation two weeks ago but it no longer has a cast on it. They shaved all the hair off her hind legs and that poor left leg looks pretty spindly right now. I suppose it's good therapy and forces that leg to develop some strength but my hope is that she doesn't damage it during this healing process. I'm also hoping that the surgery on the right leg doesn't undo itself again.

However, having said all that, I noted that Gypsy is improving. Slower this go round but she is improving. By suppertime last night Gypsy's ears had started to perk up, her eyes were brighter and I saw a bit of tail wagging going on. I felt horribly guilty when I ducked into my room to check my e-mails on the computer and found that Gypsy had dragged herself up out of her box in the kitchen while I wasn't looking so that she could follow me, limping, and sit in her box under my computer desk. I'd set her in the box in the kitchen where I could keep an eye on her while making supper and thought that she'd be happy to remain there for the few minutes that I ducked out of the room. I guess pain didn't figure into the "don't leave me" equation. I'm not letting her walk around except to go outside to do her thing and I didn't count on her sneaking out of her box because she REALLY wants to stay at my side. Gypsy's doing even better this morning. I'm NOT letting her sneak out of her box again but I can see that she was moving better outside. I was greeted with puppy kisses this morning and her tail works great. She's not cavorting about as yet but I expect we'll have to wait a few more days for that sort of thing. Besides, running and jumping are forbidden. I didn't inquire into whether cavorting fits into either of those two categories.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Third Computer Law

If a program has not crashed yet, it is waiting for a critical moment before it crashes.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.

- Margaret Fuller (1810 - 1850)

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