Monday, March 03, 2008

Word of the Day

FUBAR - F___ed Up Beyond All Recognition. This is generally considered to be a military term. This is the epitome of all things wrong.

It's an odd thing that I never feel the cuts and bruises and blisters on my hands, arms, and legs until hours after the injuries. Bruises can take days before I notice them and wonder where the heck I got the huge bruises that show up on my legs and arms. I tend to forget about bumping into stuff when I'm working around the house or at The Lake. When I was pruning the plants in the backyard yesterday, I really hacked up my hands and arms. Long bloody scratches on my arms and bloody marks on my hands. I never really noticed them much while I was in the process of working in the yard. Well...I did notice the one where I poked my hand with the pruning shears and discovered that the shears did a better job cutting hands then it did cutting branches but it didn't actually hurt much and I wasn't bleeding copiously so I just kept on working. But last night, when I was making dinner, every single scratch made itself known but I ignored it all because I was busy making supper. And then this morning? My hands are really complaining right now about the ill treatment. The thing is that I never can bring myself to wear gloves except, maybe, if I'm working with something with spines. Roses, palm trees, citrus trees, pomegranates, or cacti. Definitely roses, cacti, and palms. I decided to leave the palm tree trimming for HTP because even with industrial strength gloves palm trees bite. Hard. I trimmed the pomegranate tree last fall but didn't wear gloves because...well...just because. Lots of bloody scratches from that episode. I don't trim the citrus because the overhanging branches shade the trunks during the hot summer months. My one and only cactus doesn't need trimming, and I don't own any rose bushes here in Arizona. gloves. I prefer gardening without gloves. I don't like to use thimbles while sewing either. That's just me. I like a real "hands on" experience. However, this "hands on" experience comes with a price. My hands are all chewed up and blistered despite the fact that none of the trees or plants that I was pruning had spines. And, maybe if I'd worn a long sleeved shirt, I might have been able to prevent the scratches on my arms but it was nice outside and I didn't have to deal with mosquitoes so.... I was wearing jeans so my legs came out unscathed. Oh well, a bit of Mycitracin on the worst of the scratches on my arms and hands will take the red out.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Fifth Computer Law

The speed with which components become obsolete is directly proportional to the price of the component.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Beware of the young doctor and the old barber.

- Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

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