Thursday, July 03, 2008

A View of Blueberry Hill - June 2008

Word of the Day

Ineptiphobia - An abnormal fear of being inept.

One of my friends just wished everyone a Happy 4th of July in the subject area of her post. I totally panicked! What?! Today?! I calmed down after I read her post. I hadn't lost track of time. Tomorrow is the 4th of July. We'll enjoy a nice supper tomorrow night and after dark watch fireworks from our deck. D Buddy is going to set off a few fireworks off the end of the dock. Lighting up the night sky. Last year, D Buddy and #1 Son lit up the night sky. #1 Son won't be able to join us this year to celebrate the 4th of July. *sigh* Maybe next year. The town is going to have their firework display on Saturday....the 5th of July. Our little community here at The Lake depends upon their weekend visitors during the summer in order to make ends meet. It just makes sense to wait until all the weekenders are here in order to have the big fireworks show.

MC Daughter made stuffed chicken Parmesan last night for supper. She baked a foccacia bread to go with it. My folks joined us for the feast. It was nice to sit out on the deck last night (despite the mosquitoes) and chat. I only have four chairs for my round table on the deck but we dragged one of the rockers over to the table and MC Daughter brought out one of the kitchen chairs. We all sat outside chatting and watched the sun go down as we polished off hot fudge sundaes for dessert.

I wonder how the fishing was last night. D Buddy and MC Daughter went out fishing after my folks left. They were using the new lighted bobbers that I picked up while I was in town yesterday...getting the mail. I could see the bobbers glowing from up on the deck so at least I know that the bobbers work. I hope the nightcrawlers were doing their job too.

I'm really going to have to empty the crayfish traps today. Time to boil up some mudbugs. At least, I hope there's still some crayfish in the traps. I didn't have time to take care of them yesterday. Too busy trying to stay out of MC Daughter's way as she cooked up a storm in my kitchen. I didn't think she'd appreciate a pot of boiling water filled with crayfish in the kitchen at the same time that she was trying to make stuffed chicken Parmesan. She's not a crayfish fan. Come to think of it...she doesn't like any fish or seafood....except tuna.

It's a lot cooler outside today. Yesterday was hazy and humid. Thank goodness for air-conditioning. This morning, I had to put on a sweatshirt when I took Gypsy outside for our morning perimeter check. Last night Gypsy discovered a painted turtle that had wandered into our backyard and became all bothered. My Mom got to hear Gypsy bark. Yes, Gypsy has found her voice and has decided to use it to alert anyone who will listen that something is "weird" and she doesn't like it. First the cats, then The Bringer of Cats (MC Daughter), the grey squirrel she finally saw one time when it was stealing seeds from my feeder, and now...a painted turtle. I picked up the painted turtle so Gypsy could get a better look. The turtle was licked....cautiously...but Gypsy still remained on alert, following it three feet into the woods after I released the poor thing.

Murphyism of the Day

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Some things have to be believed to be seen.

- Ralph Hodgson

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