Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Only 17 Days Left Before We Leave For Arizona

Invasion of the Ladybugs

It's started. The Invasion of the Ladybugs. They're everywhere! Every spring when we arrive I sweep up hundreds of ladybugs, both living and dead, from the inside and outside of our lakehome. I don't know where they come from, though I have my suspicions, and I've never actually seen one enter the house. They just appear out of nowhere, walking on the ceilings and on the walls. I still don't know where they're getting in. I've got hundreds of ladybugs flying in from all over the place right now. I have to be careful entering and exiting the house. Our dog Muggsy doesn't seem to have noticed them as yet or she'd be getting fat....fatter. The ladybugs are climbing on almost every surface outside my house. I have captured the few I've seen inside and released them to the outdoors. I remember a gardening magazine, a few years back, that touted the value of buying ladybugs in bulk to release into your garden as beneficial bugs to eliminate pests. I fear that this natural beneficial bug is becoming a pest. They bite. I don't think they mean to bite but they do. Their natural prey isn't out right now. Oh well...the junco's seem to like them. I've got a flock of junco's feasting in my front yard. So much for organic gardening.

Murphyism of the Day

Miller's Law

Exceptions prove the rule--and wreck the budget.

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