Sunday, August 21, 2005

Word of the Day

Animalphant: A tall, large-eared mammal of the animal kingdom with large ivory tusks.

It's HTP's birthday today! He's another year older but who's counting. Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear HTP e! Happy Birthday to You!

We took HTP out to breakfast/brunch this morning at The BlueHills Supper Club. As I sat watching the hummingbirds feed right outside the window by our table (I was just sitting there staring with a glazed overfed look), I saw a gazebo out by the edge of the woods and thought wouldn't that make a wonderful place for a wedding?

We gave HTP a card for his birthday which said on the front that he had the choice of a vacation anywhere in the world , one million dollars , or what was on the inside of the card. He kept #1 son and me in suspense before he finally opened the card and took option #3. The card. OK. He's getting the trip to wherever he wants to go along as that happens to be Laughlin and if he's really lucky, he may win a million dollars so Keep Your Fingers Crossed!

The rest of the day today will be spent recovering like a pride of lions from our breakfast/brunch feast.

Murphyism of the Day

Young's Law

It is when you trip over your own shoes that you start picking up shoes.

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