Friday, August 19, 2005

Word of the Day

Destinesia - reaching a destination and forgetting why you went there.

We got rain. Some. Not enough to really measure as anything in my rain gauge. I know it rained though. The garden is all wet. Regardless, I picked the beans. I also picked the tomatoes. I canned my first two quarts of homegrown tomatoes. I've got a zucchini casserole in the oven. I have green beans snipped and ready to cook up for supper.

I knitted some more on my sweater project. If I keep up at this rate, I'll finish the sweater sometime this winter...ha-ha. Actually, I think I'll have the rest of the right side done before we fly to Laughlin next week. I want to bring along my knitting because there isn't too much to do if you aren't gambling. So? I want to start on the sleeves before I get to Laughlin. My Mother is a better and more confident knitter than I. She knits her sleeves one at a time. I'm afraid if I did that, I'd have one sleeve longer or shorter than the other. I'm already a bit paranoid that the right side is going to be shorter than the left side. I'm not even going to think about the mitered edges. Shudder! I should have made another afghan. I can crotchet anything. Groan! The worst part about knitting a sweater is that someone (that's me) will have to BLOCK the sweater and all the pieces together. Blocking is such a ambiguous thing. I mean, if you have no idea how this thing is supposed to look, how can you "block" it? And then, after you have all these pieces, you have to figure out how to sew the pieces together so you end up with something that looks like something that someone would actually want to wear. Did I ever tell you that I have a bit of a problem when it comes to sewing stuff? I think it's a phobia that originated with my home ec. teacher in high school.

Lord! I hated Home Ec! I love to cook but I never quite figured out the purpose of sectioning grapefruit, sprinkling it with sugar, topping it with a marishino cherry and broiling it. I won't go into the sewing part of the course. I still have nightmares. Thank goodness it was my Mother and my Grandmother who actually taught me how to crotchet, knit, and tat...and cook. But come to think of it...maybe if I didn't know how to cook, crotchet, knit and tat...I might have become a Doctor...or Lawyer. MMMM.. That's OK. I'd rather knit sweaters. I'm not sure if I could actually sew a body together. I mean...I have enough problems conquering my sewing phobia from Home Ec.

Murphyism of the Day

First Principle of Self-Determination

When you resist, you become.

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